I have always felt a deep connection to the earth and all of the landscapes, patterns, and shapes. It is a never-ending source of inspiration. My sojourn into printmaking has been no exception. The natural world provides endless patterns and designs. To me they can be represented in both a real and abstract way. It has been to this resource that I turn for the ideas throughout my exploration of printmaking. Although nature is not a new source of ideas for artists, it is my personal relationship to it that makes these pieces new for my work. It was through the love of nature that I became a papermaker. It helps me control the process from paper to print and gives a unique quality to printing. I have been a practicing artist for as long as I remember. Printmaking became my latest love several years ago when I decide it was the area I wanted to pursue a master of art. Additionally I was an art teacher in the Allentown School District for 36 years. I still enjoy opportunities to teach. Teaching helps me creatively and inspires me to explore new areas.