Joseph Szimhart

Please click here to view a video interview with Joseph Szimhart.

Wherever that urge to produce art comes from it has been with me since I was very young. Perhaps it came from my Hungarian grandfather who was an amateur artist. That urge was strong enough to change my major from engineering in my third year at the University of Dayton to fine arts. I advanced my studio training at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts that awarded me a certificate in painting and printmaking. My next move was to live in Santa Fe, NM for nearly 18 years where I taught art at New Mexico State Penitentiary and life-drawing at St. John´s College while exhibiting in galleries. I also executed a series of murals for a hospital. I was a summertime fixture on Santa Fe´s Plaza for 14 of those years where I sketched portraits, completing maybe 7,000 “heads.” My last large commission:14 iconic canvases representing the Stations of the Cross for St Columbkill Church in Boyertown, PA. My work includes drawings, monotypes, and oils that range in imagery from figurative to landscape to abstract, often with symbolic features. For the past fifteen years I have been exhibiting with the Perkiomen Valley Artists Center.

Website for art career under construction soon.
610-582-7666 represents my long career as a “cult” information consultant and author.